Thursday, April 29, 2021

free will - determinism - but wait closed systems

Listening to Kevin Mitchel - innate ...

1. A closed system is such that it does not have knowledge of what is outside of it, no transfer of information from outside the closed system

2. Once a (non-linear) judgment occurs, a decision with loss of information, there is no way to know from which of the many multiple possible paths the decision emerged.  For example, I conclude I am looking at an apple, is that because it is red, or large or in context...

3. Why did I choose a particular path?

4. I assume if the scenario is repeated I may not choose the same path.  But that assumption is really just a probability thing, there are so many paths, from the atomic level up to the action that I must traverse across the path space.

5. If the path is chosen from within the closed system then there must be randomness or something inside the closed system that is indeterminate

6. If  the path is chosen from outside the closed system, how did the closed system know about?  It undermines 'closed system'

7. So there are no real closed systems, or perhaps a better definition is 'a closed system is one in which there is no free will, no voluntary control'

8. The energy/information from outside the system enables the choice of path.

9. Can I control which energy I take in?

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