Listening to:
There are a number of key points I disagree - in particular
A house made of snow is not a house made of water -- this is an attempt at a broken statement -- like a triangle with four sides. Snow is a different scale/phase transitioned than water and hence can not be viewed as water -- just as a human is 99% DNA of chimpanzee is a meaningless statement.
hence I also don't think Rabbi Akiva meant to explain his Torah by sourcing Halacha LeMoshe -- rather it is the opposite Rabbi Akiva is trying to placate the crowd (Moshe included) -- there is no source or he would have quoted a Pasuk -- Halacha LeMoshe is a method of indicating 'no source'
My preference is that an item is true not because it sourced to a lower level historic truth, turtles all the way down, rather its truth is a consensus reached through maximizing Information. Rabbi Akiva is using a technique to convince people -- not a very high Information technique either, since he is not trying to communicate content but rather methodology, that his methodology is rather unique.