Monday, July 26, 2021

I found a private language!

I found a private language!

pretty exciting.

Wittgenstein's private language, something that should be impossible, a language with one-time value, words that cannot be communicated (not even to oneself).

So here it is:

Current data science in complex systems, such as biological systems.  

When John P. A. Ioannidis, MD, DSc says:

The Challenge of Reforming Nutritional Epidemiologic Research

In the Era of Precision Medicine and Big Data, Who Is Normal?

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False

What he is saying is that these 'scientists' produced a private language.  Bad Data Science is a private language, it is meaningless to others, it is not reproducible (80%-100% of all papers are not reproducible!!).  The Bad Data Science created a moment in time when the words had value.  Moreover,  the private language can be employed as a weapon to convince others, by hiding behind a 'language' it appears to provide meaningful content. Yet it does not.

Things I am learning - scale dependent communities in realtime

This topic is complex, I am trying to understand the different scales and issues at each each scale....


Discuss things I care about:
1. Scale dependent systems maximize freedom
- What is a scale dependent system
++ Family minhag vs. National (behavior manifests an inherent scale)
++ The Kotel (national) vs. a Shul (designation, geographic location, defines scale)
++ Type of garbage can, per street, per neighborhood, the smaller the scale the less friction, but the service may define a scale (a truck can only fit on a street of size X)

2. Communities are a key social structure for creating scale dependent society
- local interactions create inherent scale
++ geographic closeness creates local interactions
++ shared services

3. Experts. Data science
- Communities require shared language.
- Communities that are forced to adhere to values from other communities are undermined
- Authority for a community is undermined by experts from outside the community
- Expertise was defined by behavior, now it is defined by data analytics and marketing skill

4. 'Bad actors' - undermine communities
- people who violate scale
- wielding authority on a lower scale through marketing
- data has been weaponized, a very powerful marketing tool

1. 'Killing grandma' 
- intent
- direct vs passive injury
++ prevention (grandma can take Ivermectin)
++ remedies available. responsibly for health. diabetes etc.

2. How to look at the data?
- Pandemic. Epidemic.
++ Flu, measles. Invading army
++ Airborne vs particle
++ Physical communicable disease, AIDS

Is it measurable? Will defining a metric of success help? I am not sure. But here are two:
1. Measure illness
- hospitalization, excess deaths
++ Sweden wins

2. Measure freedom (or measure censorship)
- should be easy to measure censorship