Oma Judi loved biting into the bones, marrow yum!
So here is a Halachic question -- can we eat the marrow of the bones of our Korban Pesach?
שנאמר ועצם לא תשברו בו
ר"ש בן מנסיא אומר
אחד עצם שיש בו מוח ואחד עצם שאין בו מוח
אמאי ניתי עשה ולידחי את לא תעשה
אלא אין עשה דוחה לא תעשה שבמקדש
אלא אין עשה דוחה לא תעשה שבמקדש
What to do, happens all the time, eating is a Mitzva, but not eating is a Mitzva as well...In this case the solution is strange, the Mikdash has a special rule, and hence don't eat is the better choice.
But wait, where will we be eating the Karban Pesach, at home, not in the Mikdash. So how does that work.
The simple answer is that our home *is* the Mikdash. neat.
Is this true for other mitzvot as well, there are other Mikdash aspects, such as no Rabbinic prohibitions in the Mikdash (אין שבות במקדש), so can we turn off lights Seder night too?
Or perhaps only with reference to conflict do we say our Pesach table is the Mikdash, two Mitzvot can not conflict in the Mikdash and two Mitzvot can not conflict at our Pesach table.
I kinda like that idea, there can be no head-to-head arguments at the Seder table -- everyone is present.