Monday, December 23, 2019

Deterministic systems are not scalable

Productive systems are tightly coupled. The ability to produce is a function of the input, a linear function of the materials.

Creative systems are loosely coupled they create value in disproportion to their materials and inputs.

The Bet Halevi says a similar thing about the relationship between Leshma vs Yira

I feel that Darwinism as opposed to origin of life is exactly the same differentiation’s

Darwinism is a productive system. Deterministic and tightly coupled the whole can never be more that the some of the parts and hence is not a scalable system

Origin of life is a creative system

Deterministic systems are tightly coupled by definition

Perhaps a simple example is lossy vs lossless compression (compression is a form of learning), e.g. JPEG vs gzip.  The constraints of a lossless compression, create a tight coupling and limit learning.