Wednesday, May 9, 2018

a few words from and for mother

Back in 2010 soon after being diagnosed with stage IV uterine cancer, my mother sent me the following email, below is my response
----- Original Message -----
From: Judith Guedalia

The doc's office called to change appt from Monday to today.  Figure they have to take out stitches so won't get infection cause it's 'sticker date' is one week.   They may also have gotten paths back and read all the stuff sans paths that mere mortal with no Onco knowledge has.
Here's the hard part.  How to keep the cognitive, rational  self from poisoning the possible curative affects/effects of the spiritual body/soul self.  How to protect Psyche from helpful 'curative' defences that wheedle mindfullnes/mindlessness help.  Will split leave any furtile space to exist.   Must I begin shedding heals for negative healed 'earth' shoes.  Must I don Bucharian kippa for wig? Do I stand a chance at being in the 1% cure- alive after a year or so- if I learn the words of kumbalaika or something Jewish or not?
Is this what will insure meaningful life?
Isn't thanks for the memories and being with those I love enough?

Dr Judith Guedalia
Sent from my Motorola Droid 3G Smart Phone
which I love, but it can't spell for beans!

===== My response =====

On Jul 23, 2010 6:25 AM, "David Guedalia" <> wrote:

If you are done than all that is left is thank you's and goodbye.

If you have accomplished your goals, say goodbye

If you have completed the task you were put on earth to do, say done

If your soul has fulfilled its mission, it can return to its maker

If you have nothing more to give, say I am finished

If you have nothing more to get, say I am full

But how do you know?

How do you know that you are done?

How do you know what your purpose is?

How do you know that you have completed your task?

How do you know what the mission of your soul is?

How do you know that you have nothing more to give?


How do you know that you have nothing more to get?

That depends on me and him and them.  We still want to give.

You are alive today.

You can give and get, do and receive, be an individual and part of the community.


Live a happy pain free life

Live until God says your done. That is His job.  Let's do our job. Live