Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Zero knowledge - consciousness & cerebellum

Thinking how one of my mother's research projects was the cerebellum.  Beyond fine motor coordination, the cerebellum has been demonstrated in recent research to be involved in almost everything...pretty silly actually.

So I was thinking how I said previously that the cerebellum functions as an external source, an observer of the cerebrum.  Hence, it now seems obvious that the cerebellum is responsible for consciousness, our ability to be self-aware.  Translated as the ability of the cerebellum to be aware of the cerebrum.  While the cerebrum is isolated and a closed system and cannot be self-aware the cerebellum is aware of the cerebrum (and I assume also not self-aware of itself, the cerebellum)

Now I am thinking how alcohol induces an inhibition of the cerebellum, and thus I would expect someone drunk to not be self-aware.  This is manifest in the Halachot of שיכור כמו לוט, a drunk (very drunk) person has no Da'at.

With reference to zero-knowledge this means that the cerebellum which is technically a meta-hyper-connection machine, creating connection between parts of the cerebrum, enables the cerebrum to communicate with different distinct (not very well interconnected) parts.  And it is this meta-connectivity that enables a zero-knowledge system to emerge, consciousness